“Delhi Government Launches ‘Mathematics Winter Camp’ to Address Learning Gaps Caused by COVID-19 Pandemic”

On Monday, the Delhi government launched a “Mathematics Winter Camp” to address learning gaps among students caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The camp, which will run until January 14th, is intended to supplement classroom content and improve the learning level of Class-9 students by providing them with additional support to strengthen foundational concepts.

The camp will also offer students the opportunity to work on challenges faced throughout the academic year and address weaknesses in their understanding of certain topics.

Delhi government Advisor Reena Gupta stated that the camp was launched as a small-scale pilot project and will create a conducive environment for students to overcome any fear or phobia of mathematics, generate enthusiasm for their annual examination, and work on learning gaps faced throughout the academic year.

Teachers will also conduct exercises and puzzles to strengthen students’ understanding of key concepts in mathematics.

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